Get a Referral

Getting a referral is the first step to booking an appointment.

The first step to getting personalised nutrition information to help prevent kidney stones or manage kidney disease is to get a referral from your specialist doctor or family doctor.

Getting referred from your doctor means I have all the information I need to give you tailored advice at your first appointment—without having to wait for reports.

Don’t worry - doctors are used to completing online referrals using electronic referral systems.

Ask them to refer you to

Lyn Lloyd

09 630 1838

In-Person appointments are at:

Mercy Specialist Centre

100 Mountain Road, Epsom.

With your name, date of birth and contact details, please get them to send through:

  • Your relevant medical history and medications.
  • Please provide your latest renal (kidney) blood test results and results from 3 and 6 months prior, if available. (This will help me see the trends over time.)
  • Other relevant blood tests, e.g., diabetes, cholesterol,
  • If you have kidney stones, the results of two recent 24-hour urine test results.

Helpful Information:

How to do a 24-hour Kidney Stone urine collection

24-hour kidney stone urine test form which includes Awanui Labs collection and drop off centres that accept 24-hour urine bottles

General information about kidney stones