Personalised Kidney Diet Advice for Optimal Health

Cut Through Nutrition Confusion With Clarity and Confidence.

One-on-one appointments online and in-person in Auckland.

I've got
Kidney StonesKidney Disease

Master Your Meal Choices and Optimise Your Kidney Health

It can be confusing and worrying trying to work out what to eat to prevent kidney stones and manage your kidney disease.

Instead, imagine a life where you can choose what you eat with clarity and confidence. With the full picture of information, you can enjoy your food and feel better.

Don't let the confusion about how to optimise your kidney health stress you out anymore.

Let me show you how personalised nutrition can make a real difference for you.

I've got Kidney StonesI've Got Kidney Disease

Enjoy Your Food. Protect Your Kidneys


Gain a clear understanding of how your diet affects kidney health, cutting through the noise and confusion to make informed choices that truly benefit you.


Feel assured in your ability to manage your kidney condition. With expert guidance, you'll navigate decisions about what to eat and drink, knowing you're on the right path.


Take control of your kidney health. Empowered with tailored nutrition plans and knowledge, manage your condition and steer towards a healthier life.

Hi, I’m Lyn

New Zealand Registered Dietitian

Many of my clients come to me feeling overwhelmed and confused.

  • They’re struggling to decipher conflicting nutrition advice.
  • They feel isolated in their journey, without clear guidance on how to manage kidney stones or chronic kidney disease effectively.
  • They’re overwhelmed by the fear their health may get worse.
  • They’re burdened by restrictive diets that seem impossible to follow, making meal planning a constant source of stress and confusion.

And they’ve tried navigating this complex maze on their own, only to find themselves more frustrated and anxious about their kidney stones or kidney disease.

Your health is non-negotiable.

Imagine how empowering it could be to take charge and

  • Open the fridge and know what to eat that satisfies your hunger and protects your kidneys.
  • Relax when you go out with friends and family because you know what food and drink to choose without worrying about affecting your kidneys.
  • Wake up feeling full of energy and fix a less restrictive and more realistic breakfast than the “don’t eat” diet sheet you downloaded from the internet.

With over 30 years of experience in kidney nutrition, I provide practical, realistic, and clear nutrition advice so you can take control of your nutrition decisions.

Experience The Difference - Work With An Expert Kidney Dietitian Right Here In New Zealand

Seeing a specialist kidney dietitian means navigating your kidney health with more certainty and getting the support you need to improve your daily life.

  • Get evidence-based nutrition recommendations, so you know your food and drink choices are based on the latest, effective research rather than guesswork or Google searches.
  • Make changes aligned with your lifestyle with personalised, practical nutrition information and recommendations that you can put into practice.
  • Navigate the challenges of your kidney condition with access to ongoing support, education, expert knowledge, and resources.

Take Control Of Your Nutrition Choices

Step 1

Get your Doctor to send me a referral. I have appointments in Auckland or online throughout New Zealand.

Step 2

We’ll meet (in person or online) to create a personalised plan to optimise your kidney health using the right nutrition information.

Step 3

Get clear advice that’s aligned with your goals, feel confident, and take back control of your health right now.

Meet Dr. Matthew Anderson

Watch Dr. Matthew video to learn why he is the right doctor for you


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